Equitana Melbourne



Amber Evans


Amber Evans is an dressage enthusiast, with a strong passion, dedication and commitment to the sport. As an FEI rider, she has competed at the highest level of equestrian sport and has developed an understanding of the complexities of dressage and the challenges of competition. Throughout her competition life she has had her own challenges with competition nerves. This has prompted a journey of self discovery that she now wants to share with others, helping riders to enjoy the time they spend with their horses whilst striving for maximum learning, development and growth.

As an EA level 2 coach, Amber understands that equestrian disciplines can be challenging, and she leverages her coaching expertise to help riders overcome obstacles and develop resilience. She encourages a growth mindset, instilling in riders the belief that with dedication and effort, they can continually improve and excel in their riding skills. Her coaching style is characterised by enthusiasm and encouragement, with an aim for creating an engaging and stimulating learning environment both on and off the horse.

Motivation is another key aspect of Amber’s coaching philosophy. She works to help riders understand their unique goals, aspirations, and driving forces. By helping riders to take the time to understand and connect with their motivations, this can spark enthusiasm in a way that inspires riders to develop. Whether it’s competing at higher levels or simply deepening their bond with their horse, Amber encourages riders to actively participate in their own learning journey which results in higher levels of engagement and fulfilment.

Overall, Amber is committed to developing the mindset, motivation, and engagement of riders. Through her coaching, she wants to help riders not only improve their equestrian skills but foster a mindset that can benefit them both in and out of the equestrian arena.

Visit Amber Evans at the following sessions


Thursday November 14th
4:00 pm to 4:45 pm
EQUITANA Classroom (Royal Block)

Maximising motivation, learning & enjoyment

Maximising motivation, learning, and enjoyment in your equestrian pursuits: Tips and tricks for spending quality time with your horse

This session will cover a range of tips and tricks to help riders make the most of their time with their horse including:
-Maximising motivation, by identifying both the internal and external factors that fuel a passion for horses.
-Setting goals that align with inner beliefs and values, enabling a strong sense of purpose and fulfilment.
-Cultivating a growth mindset, which is characterised by embracing challenges and learning from mistakes, thereby promoting continuous improvement and keeping motivation high.
-Setting realistic expectations and breaking goals into manageable steps. Thereby facilitating progress and aiding in prevention of frustration.
-Creating a positive learning environment through supportive relationships and a thirst for knowledge and skill set development further enhances the equestrian experience.
-Identifying the inner critic that is getting in our way of development.
These strategies can help equestrians optimise their time with their horse, derive maximum satisfaction, and continually expand their horsemanship skills.


Friday November 15th
1:45 pm to 2:30 pm
Ariat Theatrette, Ariat Building

Conquering Competition Nerves

Conquering Competition Nerves: Tips and Tricks for Equestrian Riders.

Competition nerves can be a significant obstacle for equestrian riders who love the sport but struggle with overwhelming anxiety and stress. Many riders may feel discouraged or even stop competing altogether due to these nerves. However, it’s important to remember that there are ways to address and overcome these challenges.

This session will cover a range of tips and tricks riders can utilise to help manage competition nerves including:
-understanding how competition stress and anxiety can look
-how adopting a growth mindset can help us view competitions as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than high-stress events. These approaches and techniques thereby help us to embrace challenges and focus on progress, regardless of outcomes. They are grounded in the principle that mistakes are part of the journey, and every experience teaches us something valuable.
In this session we will aim to discuss a range of techniques we can implement, helping us develop strategies to manage nerves effectively.

With the right mindset and tools at their disposal, riders can rediscover their passion for competing.

Training & Horsemanship

Adam Sutton


  • Connection, Partnership & Mindset
  • Advancing your horsemanship training

Sport / Training

Adele Edwards


  • Barrel Racing Basics
  • Common Barrel Racing Problems

Training & Horsemanship

Allan Collett


  • The use of saddlehorse for groundwork
  • The link between ground & ridden work

Horse Health / Care

Amanda Edwards


  • Horse First Aid & Emergency Response
  • Equine Wound Wisdom

Training & Horsemanship

Amanda Wilson


  • Dealing with Stress & Anxiety Behaviours in the Horse
  • Dealing with Horse related Trauma

Horse Health / Care

Anna Minogue


  • Busting Bitting Myths
  • What Bit might my horse like?


Anthony Worm


  • Welfare focussed facility design / property design

Horse Health / Care

Antoinette Foster


  • Equine Asthma

Training & Horsemanship

Ash Barnett


  • Exploring the methods of ‘mark’ training
  • Connecting two horses at Liberty

Training & Horsemanship

Brett Parbery


  • How to develop an Effective Riding Position
  • The Hour of Power
  • The Fundamentals of Dressage
  • Dressage Success begins with the Rider!

Horse Health / Care

Camilla Whishaw


  • Anxiety, Stress, Behavioural issues: the Role of Nutrition & Supplements
  • Gut Health in Horses & Ponies

Horse Health / Care

Carol Layton


  • How to build a Robust Immune System & Healthy Gut
  • Equine Metabolic Syndrome & Cushings – safe feeds


Chase Day


  • Long Ears to Broom Tails – Donkeys are unique
  • Donkeys – the versatile equine

Training & Horsemanship

Chloe Phillips-Harris


  • 7000km in the saddle – inspirational learnings
  • Eventing – Create a fearless partnership

Horse Health / Care

Daisy Bicking


  • Is your horse a goat? Posture influences
  • Your Hoof Superpower: X-ray Vision

Sport / Training

David Cowley


  • Tips to Competing in Equine Obstacle Sports
  • Building Trusting Partnerships with Horses

Horse Health / Care

David Nash


  • What do our horses actually eat?
  • Diet and a horses gastrointestinal tract interactions


Despina Mitrakas


  • Harness social media for your equestrian business
  • Increase your customers through digital marketing

Horse Health / Care

Dr Jacqui Panozzo


  • Parasite / Worm management in horses

Horse Health / Care

Dr Jennifer Clulow


  • Balancing Performance & Reproduction
  • Breeding the Older Performance Mare

Horse Health / Care

Dr John Walker


  • Ask the Vet

Training & Horsemanship

Dr Kate Fenner


  • Engaging your Horse with Learning
  • Long Reining (Double Lunging)

Horse Health / Care

Dr Melanie Quick


  • Pain Free Horse: Identify & Resolve problems
  • Training difficult & Young Horses

Horse Health / Care

Dr Sabine Ware


  • Signs of pain in the ridden horse – the “whole horse” approach.

Training & Horsemanship

Dr Shelley Appleton


  • Confidence & Trust – Solving the Horse + Human Equation
  • An Argument for the Most Important Skillset in Horsemanship

Sport / Training

Dr. Andrew McLean, Kathleen Kindler & Rachel Edwards


  • Integrating Equitation Science into Pony Club coaching
  • Interactive Pony Club activities & quiz

Horse Health / Care

Dr. Ben Sykes


  • New Research redefines Ulcer management in performance horses
  • Minimising the risk of ulcer relapse & setting your horse up for success

Training & Horsemanship

Elsa Sinclair


  • Observing and understanding herd interactions
  • Freedom based Training


Emily Purvis


  • Legal Tips for Buyers and Sellers / Horse deal disasters
  • In the Arena of Law: Understand legal risks for horse related businesses

Training & Horsemanship

Georgia Bates


  • The Horse is never wrong
  • Journey from Wild

Sport / Training

Georgia Kneen


  • Welcome to Trick Riding
  • Getting started in Trick Riding


Glenys Cox


  • 101 Ways to Make Money with Horses
  • Teaching the A, B, C’s to Beginner Horse Riders


Helen Fletcher


  • The Athletic Equestrian
  • The Athletic Equestrian


Helen Huie


  • Exploring the Subconscious – How our Brain Influences Equestrian Success
  • Intention Setting and how it can Deepen the Human-Horse Connection

Training & Horsemanship

Ian Mark Shaw


  • A Road to Rehab


Isobel Wessels


  • Gymnastic exercises for suppleness and development

Horse Health / Care

Jeremy Ford


  • Reading the Equine Hoof
  • Recognising & Treating Hoof Pathologies

Sport, Training

Jess Smith


  • The Australian Stock Horse: Versatility & Heritage

Horse Health / Care

Jessica Blackwell


  • Maintaining your Horses Muscle Health
  • Understanding the Equine Back

Horse Health / Care

Karyn Campbell


  • Herbs and Horses

Horse Health / Care

Kathryn Christieson


  • How to start an Equestrian Podcast: Lessons from Canter Therapy
  • The Hidden Behavioural Problem that Starts in the Feet

Training & Horsemanship

Ken Faulkner

Training & Horsemanship

Kim Thompson


  • Liberty Connection
  • Bridleless riding and Show Jumping

Training & Horsemanship

Lara Poynton


  • Ground work for Dressage
  • It’s all about the Half Halt ! #inhandmagic

Horse Health / Care

Larissa Bilston


  • Feeding the Easy Keeper
  • Coping with QLD Itch: Strategies to use

Horse Health / Care

Leah Wellard


  • Feeding Horses with Metabolic Disorders

Training & Horsemanship

Lee Davis


  • Taking the Rein out of Rein Back
  • Taking the Rein out of Rein Back


Louise Sedgman


  • Quality photos for sales and promotion

Horse Health / Care

Matt Rannstrom


  • Hoof strength & awareness
  • Basic conformation & understanding leg articulation

Training & Horsemanship

Matthew Thompson


  • Collar Sizing: Learn the essentials for a precision fit
  • Harness fitting: Understanding, Sourcing, and Caring for harness

Horse Health / Care

Mel Rowe


  • Finding the Perfect Equine Partner
  • Enjoying the Trail – shouldn’t be daunting


Melinda Macaulay


  • Reset your Riding: Exercises to improve balance & body awareness
  • Posture, Position & Performance: Stretch, strengthen, stability for equestrians

Training & Horsemanship

Michelle O’Neill – VALE

Sport / Training

Naomi Lee


  • Riding one handed – how and why?
  • Getting Ranchy

Horse Health / Care

Natalia Budisa


  • Muscle Health, recovery & nutrition

Horse Health / Care

Nathan Marshall


  • Dealing with Seedy Toe
  • Paddock Paradise / Track Systems

Horse Health / Care

Nikita Stowers


  • Feeding the Modern Performance Horse
  • You Are What You Eat!


Robyn Schiller


  • Simple, practical steps to overcome your riding fear & anxiety.
  • Feeling more relaxed and connected before you ride


RV’s Off the Track


  • OTT Health
  • OTT Feeding and Nutrition
  • Choosing and sourcing your OTT
  • OTT Behaviour – Set your OTT up for success

Training & Horsemanship

Sallyanne Slater


  • Communication / Equine Behaviour
  • Riding (How a horse in self carriage is a happy willing partner)

Training & Horsemanship

Sandi Simons


  • Liberty for Ladies
  • Creating Confidence – Are you a nervous rider? So am I
  • Buying the ‘Right’ Horse

Sport / Training

Sarah Venamore


  • Group Enlightenment
  • Formation Coaching

Training & Horsemanship

Skye Liikanen


  • Long Reining – Where to begin
  • Is your Horse Ready to Ride

Sport / Training

Stacey Rusic


  • Prepare to Compete Side Saddle
  • The Art of Riding Side Saddle

Training & Horsemanship

Steve Cox


  • Lights, Camera, Action !
  • Lights, Camera, Action !

Training & Horsemanship

Sue Spence


  • Safety, Systems and Structure in Equine Assisted Learning and Equine Assisted Therapy
  • Communication Skills for Everyday Life for Humans and Horses Alike!

Sport / Training

Sue Williams


  • Ranch Riding – involvement and requirements
  • Ranch Riding – an introduction

Sport / Training

Tanja Mitton


  • If you believe it, you can ride it!
  • Rider Position – is more than just sitting on the horse

Horse Health / Care

Tanya French


  • Cooperative Care

Training & Horsemanship

The Australian Outback Spectacular


  • The Show Must Go On
  • Behind the Scenes: Training for Longevity
  • From Hooves to Paws: The Stars of the Show

Training & Horsemanship

Tim Price


  • Eventing Masterclass
  • Friday education session
  • Saturday education session
  • Sunday education session


Todd Cunningham


  • Arena Construction: from the beginning through to completion
  • Arena Construction: from the beginning through to completion

Training & Horsemanship

Tori Jeffress


  • In-Hand work and Biomechanics
  • Classical Dressage, Biomechanics & Liberty Riding

Horse Health / Care

Tracy Whiter


  • Hemp, Hype and Horses
  • How Could, Does, or even Doesn’t, Hemp Fit into my Horses Diet


Trisha Mc Cagh


  • Speak Fluent Horse Language
  • Mastering Oneness with your horse

Training & Horsemanship

Warwick Schiller


  • Adventures on the Gaucho
  • Nervous System Regulation – The key to success in any horse event
  • Relationship Before Horsemanship – The Game Changing Principle


Yvette Frahn


  • Live drawing, learn from Yvette

Training & Horsemanship

Zoe McKinlay


  • Polework for cross training
  • Arena exercises for the trail

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EQUITANA Melbourne is proudly organised by Equine Productions

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