Matt Rannstrom
Horse Health / Care
Matt is a trade registered, RVL Licensed Master Farrier, and offers in-person and online assistance to demistify the nutrition puzzle and provide ongoing support to get and maintain good health outcomes for the whole horse.
Matt’s interest in horses began at an early age and he was an avid rider through his teenage years enjoying trail riding, local stock work and pony club events. His interest extended to include One Day Eventing and Endurance riding and later campdrafting. The shoeing of these performance horses is critical to their success and Matt soon developed a keen interest in the biomechanics of corrective shoeing. The quest to be a complete horseman and care for his animals in every aspect led him to pursue the art of horseshoeing including working in a blacksmith shop under Welsh farrier, Tim Bowles. They shod many heavy horses, making their shoes from scratch from straight bar.
Matt took the trade accreditation tests at Glenormiston College and gained VRC accreditation. Matt developed an extensive book of diverse clients from dressage to the western riders, specialising in hand made sliders for the Reining mob. For over 10 years he also shod the working Clydesdales on the Dalmore asparagus fields, one of the last facets of farming that still used the working horse in production.
To make a difference and assist the comfort and working life of his equine clients, remains the major goal of Matt the Farrier as he is known to hundreds of horse owners.
Visit Matt Rannstrom at the following sessions
Thursday November 14th
4:45 pm to 5:30 pm
Ariat Theatrette, Ariat Building
Hoof strength & awareness
A discussion of what it means to build real strength in the horses’ hoof. How to ‘read’ the shape of your horses’ feet and some basic guidelines to assist horse owners. Dare to flare – a discussion about building strength and using strategies to support the hoof capsule and mimic the shape occuring in wild horses.