Naomi Lee
Sport / Training
My life was changed forever after being fortunate enough to compete in and win the Cowboy Up Challenge at EQUITANA 2016. From there I was invited to go and train and compete in the USA. It was an amazing (often very humbling) learning experience and I finally gained the confidence I needed to train horses as a profession when I came home.
Since then I have been able to start many horses under saddle for people, train a really wide range of horses, teach clinics and help so many people have a go at things they never believed they were capable of or brave enough to do with their horses. We run many clinics and competitions at home- Sundance Park in Woodford QLD- where people are able to come and have a go without the pressure of feeling like they are at a big show. They can get feedback directly from the judges and encouragement from like minded people.
I have had a go at many disciplines and I love to make versatile, happy and soft horses. I have been involved in running many of the big equine events in QLD from Cowgirls Gathering, Horse and Home Show and Tropicana.
I really enjoy participating in and running ranch horse events; as horses from any breed can compete and are allowed move in a natural way. Plus have fun across such a broad variety of classes.
Visit Naomi Lee at the following sessions
Friday November 15th
3:45 pm to 4:30 pm
Duncan Equine Group Arena
Riding one handed – how and why?
Learn how to transition from two handed riding to one handed. With the explosion of interest in Ranch horse events in Australia so many people are keen to have a go at these events that show just how versatile our horses can be.
With these types of events there is traditionally a progression from riding in a snaffle bit or a hackamore into the ‘bridle’ which is ridden one handed in either split reins or ‘rommel’ reins.
This is a great way to enhance the depth of relationship you have with your horse. Get them light and responsive and happily going forward with the lightest touch of the neck rein.
Saturday November 16th
9:30 am to 10:15 am
Stallion Rail Demo Arena, OTT Pavilion
Getting Ranchy
Learn all about Ranch events; what’s involved, what gear do you need and what the judges are looking for.
We will demonstrate the different paces, types of transitions and manoeuvres the judges are looking for.
This is a great sport for enhancing your relationship with your horse, exposing them to a wide range of challenges and having a lot of fun in the process.