Stacey Rusic
Sport / Training
People always ask me why I ride side saddle and how I got into the discipline. The short answer is – I don’t really know where the notion or desire came from to do something that most people would consider a ludicrous and dead discipline but I am certain that I was born into the wrong era!
A chance encounter over 10 years ago gave me the ability to try a side saddle that was for sale and I haven’t looked back since. I have shown and won up to State, National and Royal Level and given just about every discipline a go while riding aside from showing to show jumping, dressage to hunting and even western. From the love for the discipline and an aspiration to share it with all, I built ‘Same Side Equestrian’, a niche business dedicated to all things side saddle.
Through my business, I feel honoured to have introduced 100s of horses and riders to this amazing discipline over the years with so many more exciting things for the sport to come. I am thrilled to be able to educate the wider equestrian community and share my passion for side saddle through a platform such as EQUITANA.
Visit Stacey Rusic at the following sessions
Saturday November 16th
3:00 pm to 3:45 pm
Duncan Equine Group Arena
Prepare to Compete Side Saddle
As EQUITANA is holding a side saddle competition on Sunday 17th November, this education session will cover everything you need to know when competing side saddle.
– Turnout for your horse from bridle to saddle and everything in between.
– Turnout for the rider. Covering the intricacies of side saddle turnout from Australia and other countries.
Sunday November 17th
2:00 pm to 2:45 pm
Stallion Rail Demo Arena, OTT Pavilion
The Art of Riding Side Saddle
Taking a rider who has never even sat in a side saddle before, we will be going through the journey of learning to ride side saddle for the first time.
This will cover:
-All the basics of mounting, correct rider position at halt and through all paces on both reins (walk, trot, canter gallop and jump).
-The correct use of a cane/whip in place of the leg and rider weight aids to achieve the same outcomes as when riding astride.