Equitana Melbourne


A Letter From Rod

A message to our friends and community.

It is certainly rare that everyone in Australia and indeed the world is affected like we all are. The Covid-19 pandemic has been like a bolt of lightening and its is frightening on a number of levels. Firstly, as a health crisis we are all on an emergency footing and must follow the advice of the Government and the Emergency Services. Secondly, as an economic crises, many of us earn our living off the land or are involved with small business enterprises and have really been side swiped by this crisis. As I write, our small business is closed, and the staff are working from home and all our events have been cancelled. I can therefore categorically say to you, I know what you are going through.

I am not writing to be down in the dumps though, we all need to remain as positive as we can and should be planning for the future – a great and buoyant future at that. For our company EQUITANA is like a beacon of hope, we truly believe that if the government is correct about this six-month window, then we will be able to bring to you EQUITANA Melbourne. Therefore, our entire team are working full steam ahead on delivering a really fantastic EQUITANA Melbourne. We have terrific international stars invited to come, we have had a great response to our exhibition and the education program is full. In other words, it is looking really positive.

We recognise that at the moment the Equine Industry is facing incredibly challenging times, but we are hoping that EQUITANA Melbourne is well timed in November in playing its part to help bring the industry together and through our exhibition, put money back into businesses and hopefully generate some employment. It is only a start, but we hope it develops some forward momentum for the industry. We are also going to promote our exhibitor businesses as best we can to our database and we also are trying to bring some free online entertainment to you all while you are social isolating. We want to do our bit and we are working to achieve that.

We want to create an even stronger community, than we already have. Especially now through these uncertain winter months we are about to face, we want to stay connected with you and share regular stories– a mix of old and new. But importantly we want you to come on the journey with us and share YOUR stories with us and the rest of the EQUITANA community. Stay tuned with us for updates and announcements over the coming weeks.

Everyone, we all have to believe that better times are coming and things will improve by November, so let’s look forward to seeing each other and getting together (hopefully without not too much social distancing) at EQUITANA Melbourne. In the meantime, we will do our best to keep you informed and entertained and will do our bit to support the Equine Industry.

Lastly, feel free to reach out if you have any questions or just want to say hello. We’ll be here! And would love to hear from you.

Please stay safe and look after yourselves through this difficult time.

Yours sincerely,

Rod Lockwood,


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2024 Copyright EQUITANA Melbourne.
EQUITANA Melbourne is proudly organised by Equine Productions

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