EQUITANA Melbourne’s first night of entertainment will be one you’ll remember. The Grand Pavilion will be in full flight all night from 6:30pm with this high energy, fast paced and electric display of Australia’s top jumping talent.
The Knock-Out Stakes will feature Australia’s top jumping riders racing head to head in a mirrored course, two at a time. The quickest competitor will go through the next round. The knock-out style format means that eventually the two fastest riders will face-off for the final and the winner will be crowned CHAMPION.
In ‘edge of your seat’ fun, the All or Nothing Gamble, never before seen in Australia, will have prize money up for grabs and will challenge our top jumpers to their limits. The catch is, round by round, they have to risk all their prize money for the chance to play on and win more.
Other Highlights on Thursday’s Jumping Full Flight Program include:
- Jumping Collective Masterclass featuring accomplished jumping duo Jamie Kermond and James Paterson-Robinson.
- Fast paced and electric Jumping Full Flight Night Show featuring Australia’s top jumping talent.
- Express Eventing will see the fast-paced action of eventing: Jumping and Cross Country, will be featured on one day only! Come and see who will be crowned the EQUITANA Australia Express Eventing Champion!
- In this fun but serious competition, and for the first time ever at EQUITANA Melbourne, Working Equitation will be a competition in its own right. Showcasing the skill and training of both horse and rider, the obstacle style and obstacle speed classes will see amazing skill, communication and timing all rolled into one.
- The Way Of The Horse horsemanship challenge kicks off on Thursday with 3 skilled trainers taking on 3 minimally handled Morgan Horses to go head to head for a state vs state battle for the title of TWOTH Champion.
NOTE: The Jumping Collective Masterclass and Full Flight Jumping night show are not accessible on a General Admission Ticket.
Only 200 Day Tickets are left for Thursday and Super Tickets are 60% sold out!
Don’t leave it too late and risk missing out on all the action.