Equitana Melbourne


Globetrotting TWOTH – Matt & Ken

Globetrotting TWOTH – Meet the teams

Matt Bleby and Ken Faulkner

Matt Bleby is looking forward to the chance to be part of an event that showcases excellence in horsemanship and give other equine lovers a chance to see just what is achievable when it is done right.

He’s spent his life “thinking deeply” about what the world might look like from a horse’s point of view. “The more we know about them the better we can communicate,” says Matt who loves that he is constantly learning more about horses physically, emotionally and mentally. “It is an infinite process.”

From a young age his talent was clear and even at eight he was the kid who was always asked to ride or handle difficult ponies. It was apparent he had a way of helping horses understand what is being asked of them. He started his first pony at nine and has never looked back.

“From those early experiences I developed a love of working with young horses and went on to explore and learn with the Snowy River and High Country horsemen.”

He worked for room and board learning everything he could about starting young horses, running trail rides and mustering in hard mountain country. It gave him a solid foundation for his journey of creating more understanding between horse and human.

For Matt, it is always about doing right by the horse. He has travelled throughout Australia and abroad in his quest to learn, develop and refine his natural feel and ability to ensure he communicates effectively with them.

He devoted years to the teachings of Tom and Bill Dorrance and has covered as many different disciplines as possible.

Matt’s mentor Ken Faulkner has also spent a lifetime learning to better understand horses. As a youngster he says he always felt something was just a little off in the way cowboys handled their animals. It didn’t take him long to figure out a better way and since he has been in demand far and wide by those keen to learn from him.

The 2012 TWOTH champion was just 16 when he created his own style of working with horses and over the years he has continued to add to it with influences from Dr Robert Miller, Tom Dorrance and others who follow a natural style of horsemanship.

“They utilise and understand animal behaviour,” says Ken. Those will be traits he will be encouraging Matt to build on in the round pen during TWOTH. “Communication is the key to everything. That encompasses everything – the body language, tone and attitude and the five senses. A good horse trainer needs to be aware and stimulate all five.”


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